“看到这个孩子,我热泪盈眶, 谁没有很多上场时间, score a basket for his team in the last two seconds of the game. His team rushed the court because they were so excited for him, the crowd went wild!——斯塔西·阿纳斯塔西奥,体育总监.
When you talk about the 运动s program at 韦德娱乐app下载地址, a common theme emerges–包容性. Aside from the competitive nature of sports, you will hear more words like 家庭, 紧密的友谊, 鼓励. 有一条信息引起了教练和学生们的共鸣——尝试一切,因为你永远不知道自己喜欢什么.
“我们不仅仅是为了赢、赢、赢. We want to win, but we also want the kids just starting to succeed,斯泰西分享道.
索伯里体育项目背后的理念是,每个人都应该尝试新事物. You don't have to be good at it; just be open to trying. “我的主要目标是给每个人一个机会. 不一定非要是大学级别的比赛, 只是给他们一个在他们的水平上表现出色的机会,斯泰西分享道. She credits the coaching 工作人员's dedication to teaching skills, 从核心基础开始, understanding how to support experienced players to give them exposure, the autonomy to 成长 their teams as contributing factors to the program's success. 斯泰西还认为,我们的教练在把有经验的运动员和刚接触这项运动的运动员结合起来方面做得很好.
田径项目目前全年提供14个团队项目和各种非竞争性健身活动. 作为索伯里大学宾夕法尼亚-泽西联盟成员的一部分,学生运动员在大多数体育项目中争夺冠军. 团体运动项目有:
场 Hockey, Boys Soccer, Girls Soccer, Cross Country, Girls Volleyball
Varsity Boys Basketball, Varsity Girls Basketball, JV Boys Basketball
棒球,垒球,女孩长曲棍球,高尔夫球,男孩网球,田径 & 场
体育项目计划增加更多的团队,以适应学生日益增长的兴趣. Sign-up numbers this year have significantly increased for tennis, basketball, soccer.
除了组织团队运动和健身活动, Solebury offers personalized coaching through PSC (Perseverance Strength and Conditioning). PSC is a wellness program that operates onsite between the hours of 6 am-6 pm. 该项目适用于索伯里社区的学生, 家庭, 工作人员, (教师)与认证教练一对一合作,根据个人目标制定健身和营养计划. “我们从评估检查的姿态开始, 活动范围, 以及功能性运动模式,这样我们就可以给每个人训练他们能做的活动,巴勃罗·安布罗西奥说, PSC船东.
The physical footprint on campus will also start to look different by the spring of 2024. We plan to redesign the 运动 complex area by relocating the baseball 场. Funding was made possible by the 塑造Solebury campaign and the Edward E. 福特基金会配合奖助金.
我们采访了几位教练和学生运动员,了解他们在索伯里的个人运动经历. 下面是他们的故事:
Dan practiced law in NYC while he and his wife raised their 家庭 in Cranbury, NJ. 他通过管理镇上的娱乐项目,指导孩子们的警察运动联盟和旅行篮球队而进入教练行业. 丹希望他的球员有机会“通过努力工作和团队合作来体验进步!, as well as the highs and lows that come with competitive basketball."
阿里安娜从大一开始就一直踢足球. "Everyone was warm and welcoming even though I had no experience with soccer. 球队的活力令人惊叹,我喜欢教练们. 他们尽最大努力强调我的长处,并将我引荐给其他拥有我的弱点和长处的玩家,阿里安娜说。. She excelled in soccer and has been the team captain for her junior and senior years. 在淡季, Arianna has started powerlifting and plans to ascend to competition levels in this sport. “索伯里田径帮助我意识到团队合作的价值,这绝对是一个让你走出舒适区、尝试新事物的地方."
奥姆跑越野赛和田径赛 & 场. 他喜欢运动会和比赛, 他特别喜欢紧密的团队合作——作为一个整体来制定比赛策略和团队庆祝活动. "We do runs as teams, but the workouts are personalized to skill level. 我们花了很多时间在一起,我们是运动之外的亲密朋友,”奥姆分享道. “跑步教会了我不能作弊. You have to show up every day, give 100% of yourself, focus on the task at hand. 特里教练是我遇到过的最支持我的教练.奥姆的顶级表现包括在乌尔西纳斯学院高中邀请赛中获得3000米金牌, 在PA独立学校冠军赛中获得奖牌和第二届全州最佳阵容冠军, 和PJAA联赛冠军. 他想继续在一级大学跑步.
作为一名高中和大学曲棍球运动员, Bruce chose coaching to give back to the sport and share its positive impact on his life. He wants his players to know they can learn and develop over the season, 即使他们是长曲棍球的新手. “My biggest accomplishment is having all my first-season players return. My most successful moments come when my teams compete as a complete team, 这意味着最好的球员和其他队友之间没有区别. 每个人在完成赛季目标中都有自己的角色."
The Girls Soccer team had an incredible season with six consecutive wins. 他们今年的记录是8胜2负. “由于我是助理教练,我不能独揽球队的功劳, 但我想,我支持了这些女孩,让她们相信并看到自己作为人和运动员的能力,Kim分享道。. 她从小就踢足球,并希望向球员们灌输超越韦德娱乐苹果手机版下载的团队环境的价值观. "Being on a team challenges you to try your best even when you are not at your best. 它会让你从身体上和情感上走出舒适区,并教会你在犯错时原谅自己."
Terri Miller P’16 '18, Head Coach Cross Country and Track and 场
If you look at our trophy case, you will see our long-standing success in these sports. "My job is to train runners to be the best they can be with their 运动 人才s.特里为每个运动员的目标制定训练方案. She also keeps a reference book for students to track their progress, 她说,这是激励他们推动自己的动力吗. “我有一个美好的回忆,就是和16岁的乔纳森·弗莱明(Jonathan Fleming)一起冲过Broad Street Run的终点线, 他从来没有参加过任何运动队. I coach runners to make a difference in their lives and be successful adults."
Mackenzie plays soccer, lacrosse, basketball and runs cross country and track. 她认为足球是她的主要运动. 麦肯齐喜欢索利伯里的团队氛围,她认为教练们在推动她成为一名更好的运动员方面做得很好. “每个人都非常好. In soccer, we give each other high-fives and hugs whenever we score. 当我们做得好的时候,我们为彼此感到骄傲.“作为一名经验丰富的球员, 她可以作为领导者帮助新玩家,提供提示和指示,或者作为朋友在那里. Mackenzie also attributes the 运动s program to helping her with academics. “我总是发现,当我活跃起来,身体状况良好时,我在学业上做得更好. 体育项目教会了我很多技能,比如领导能力, 沟通, 的决心, 以及良好的职业道德. Those broad skills help me in life and through my academic journey."
在场上和场下管理日常事务和时间表是学生运动员学会做得很好的事情. “打篮球迫使我确保自己是有条理的. 我有一个每天早上醒来的时间表, 读圣经, 看看股票市场吧, 检查一下我的生意——早饭前. "Coach Greg always helps me by showing what I could improve in my game. 他还把篮球和现实生活联系起来, 所以我可以从不同的角度看篮球.泰勒渴望在大学里打一级篮球.
The primary goal of the program is to create a learning environment. Eric’s coaching techniques directly relate to life beyond soccer. 像这样, 他创造了一种环境,让玩家能够推动自己去尝试新事物,而不管他们的技能水平如何. "I hope my players can apply teaching on the 场 to everyday life. 最大的成就是经历了许多以前的球员回到校园与现在的球队互动,并表示他们的支持. 这充分说明了我们所创造的文化."
在索伯里,每个人都有自己的位置. “我对那些刚接触韦德娱乐苹果手机版下载的学生的建议是,尽一切努力拓宽你的兴趣. 这里有这么多东西,你永远不知道你最终会喜欢什么,”24岁的奥姆·德赛建议道
For more information about the 运动s program at Solebury, visit es-one.com/athletics 在Instagram上关注@soleburysports.